Gardening & Growth

My Garden

Before reading, take a look at the video I linked.

Last summer, my boyfriend and I started our own garden and this summer, we made it our goal to do another. Except, this year we started majority of our plants from seeds. Unfortunately, many of the seedlings died - we probably overwatered, or just killed them because of the lack of attention and limited proper growing conditions needed. 

Out of 72 seed pods, only 1 tomato, 3 cucumbers, and 2 jalapeños made it. We had to go out and buy some more plants, including ghost peppers, bell peppers, and cow horn peppers. This week, we finally replanted them in their pots. Granted, I completely noticed the sense of control I was placing on the importance of starting this project (and the nagging I expressed to my boyfriend), but it feels so reassuring to know our garden is done and ready to be left alone. Nonetheless, our veggies are growing like crazy and him and I are definitely trying to not neglect them this year. 

Having our garden finally finished and set up has been very calming. I'm excited to watch the growth of our plants and see what amazing dishes we can add our veggies to. It's so encouraging to know that some of our veggies began as seeds and now they're growing into their adult forms.  

There has been research on the health benefits gardens and community gardens can influence food security and familial relationships. Found here - - 

Although this isn't directly related to mental health, it can be implicated to the growth and development of relationships with families and individuals. I'm eager to find some more research on the health benefits of gardening, including self-care and self-growth.

The seeds we started with are like a metaphor. Growing and working on yourself takes time and lots of attention/care. Our seeds are a reminder that I'm doing my best and I'm growing every day. Just as the seeds need water, sunlight, fresh soil, and maintenance - so do i. I need to take care of myself - whether that's drinking water, exercising, sleeping, and dedicating time to finish my deadlines - that is how I'll grow. I want to be like my cucumber plants, strong and healthy. Like them, I started small and weak, yet I have so much room for growth and kindness to myself.


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