
I've always been a procrastinator. However, I'm more aware of what my body is telling me and the signs that lead me to getting overwhelmed. I've finished my practicum and am finishing up my classes. As busy as I was this summer, I thought it would never end, but I did it. My garden is growing and producing lots of peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Although we've had to make adjustments and kill a few branches, it'll be okay. I'm not too upset that some may die as we did what was necessary. They needed cages to support their stems. If they produce anything, great, if they don't -it'll be okay. 
I'm so proud of my garden. Starting the cucumber and tomato plant from seeds was an amazing transformation I was able to see. I can't wait for next summer. 
My homework assignments are slowly getting checked off, one by one. I'm working on focusing one task at a time. This helps decrease the amount of stress I tend to feel. Plus, I'm also using positive self talk to get me through this -
"I've been busy before and I managed to get everything done. I'll get through this."
Taking care of my self is becoming more and more of an importance. I'm spending time with friends, accepting things I can't change, and trying to live in the moment. I'm eager to read/write some things over these next two weeks. I'm also looking forward to working a bit more - I know right, that's crazy.
Little by little, I'm doing it. 
So, if you're feeling overwhelmed with the ending of a semester. CONSIDER THIS.
1. Take a deep breath
2. Make a list of what needs to be done
3. Now, write the due dates/deadlines
4. Focus on the assignments due the soonest
5. Work on them little by little, everyday
6. Set aside time to work on things
7. Reward yourself for crossing things off
8. Get shit done - this is temporary
9. Do your best
10. celebrate, you got through it & are doing great. 


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